Columbus TalenQuest


Congratulations! You have just finished the Columbus WebQuest. You will be evaluated on the points indicated on the chart below. Before you hand in your final newspaper, check to see if it is sufficient according to all the points.

    1. Each reporter creates two tables as shown below.
    2. Then, each student evaluates two of the other reports.
    3. Following the completed scores, the reporter improves his own report.
    4. You are therefore a kind of the newspaper before the reports are sent to the editor (teacher).

Very Good



Not sufficient

Creativity / Appearance


The piece uses great creativity to enhance appeal and attract readers.

A visually appealing piece using appropriate visuals.

An organized piece with not much editing or enhancements.

A piece developed without editing and enhancements.



The piece uses great creativity to enhance appeal and attract readers.

The piece has an interesting headline /title with good supporting details.

The piece contains a lead but it is not interesting.

The piece does not contain a headline or headline.

Writing Mechanics


Writing is descriptive, providing detailed information. The piece contains no grammar errors.

The piece clear and concise. The article contains only 1 or 2 spelling errors. The article contains only 1 or 2 grammatical errors.

The piece contains few sentences that are unclear to the reader.

The article contains few spelling errors.

The article contains few grammatical errors.

The piece is vague and unclear.

The article contains many spelling errors. The article contains many grammatical errors.

Visual Enhancements

20 %

Piece has visuals that relates to and enhances the story.

The piece has visuals that relate to story.

The piece has visuals but it doesn't relate to story article.

The piece has no visuals.